
Moot Shanghai 支持机构 上海市律师协会,中国仲裁法学研究会


??上海市律师协会(SHBA)和中国仲裁法学研究会(CAAL)是本届Moot Shanghai比赛的支持机构。上海律协已经多年参与并赞助Moot Shanghai的举办,而中国仲裁法学研究会则是今年新加盟的支持单位。我们感谢上海律协的长期支持,并衷心地欢迎仲裁法学会的加入!

The Shanghai Bar Association (SHBA) and China Academy of Arbitration Law (CAAL) will support the operation of Moot Shanghai this year. While SHBA has supported Moot Shanghai for many years, CAAL is new to the family. We would like to present deep gratitude to SHBA for its long-term support for MSH, and a warm welcome to CAAL as a new member to the family!





The Shanghai Bar Association (SHBA)

The Shanghai Bar Association (SHBA) is a non-profit, self-disciplinary societal organization established by lawyers in Shanghai in accordance with the Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China, and regulates the profession as a self-disciplinary body according to the law. SHBA comprises law firms as institutional members and practicing lawyers as individual members. SHBA was re-instituted on April 10, 1979. The first Shanghai Bar Association Constitution was adopted at the first congress of lawyers of Shanghai in July 1984.

The supreme body of SHBA is the members’ congress, which is convened once a year and at which the board of directors and the board of supervisors are elected every four years. The board of directors, the ruling body of SHBA, has a president and a number of vice-presidents, all of whom are elected; the chairman of the board of supervisors is elected with a four-year term. SHBA has 16 district committees, a number of working committees and practice committees, and a secretariat acting as its administrative body.

By the end of 2020, there were 1,709 law firms and 31,624 practicing lawyers in Shanghai.







China Academy of Arbitration Law (CAAL)

China Academy of Arbitration Law, shortened as CAAL, is a national arbitrational academic union initiated and established by CIETAC,CMAC,and other more than 30 arbitration institutions of large and

medium size cities in 2004 with the great support of China Law Society and Ministry of Justice and the Supreme People's Court of PRC. CAAL is directly supervised by CCPIT.

In line with the principle of uniting arbitration institutions, educational and research institutions, and practitioners together so as to study arbitration theory and perfect arbitration system, CAAL has set up an International Advisors and Observers Committee to accept international participants who are interested in and participating in Chinese arbitration; has organized a large number of outstanding academic research, including the research on the amendment of the Chinese Arbitration Law and sets of arbitration rules; and has run an academic journal: Commercial Arbitration and Mediation. In promoting international exchange and cooperation, and the development

of arbitration, CAAL has made its contribution.

At present, CAAL has the following members:

—More than 120 Chinese arbitration institutions, like CIETAC and China Maritime Arbitration Commission, important municipal arbitration commissions in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Nanjing;

—Law schools like China University of Political Science and Law, the Law School of University of International Business and Economy;

—Law firms like Dentons, Zhong Lun Law Firm, Junhe LLP, and Jincheng Tongda and Neal;

—Enterprises like Sinopec Group and Shenhua Group Corporation Ltd. (the largest coal supplier in the world);

—Over 1000 outstanding individuals from arbitration institutions, teachers in universities, lawyers, judges of the state courts, in-house counsels of enterprises, and independent arbitrators all

over China.


CAAL has established 17 sub-committees supported by local institutions, including universities, arbitration organizations, and law firms around China.

Address: Floor 9,CCOIC Building, NO.2, Huapichang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100035, P. R. China

Tel: 010—82217783,010-82217971

Fax: (86-10)82217753

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